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Constitution and By-Laws

Current as of November 2023


The name of this organization shall be “Southern Arizona Beekeepers Association”. It may also be

referred to herein as “SAZBA”, or “Association”.




1. Education: to teach and encourage better methods among the beekeepers of Southern Arizona (Pima, Cochise and Santa Cruz), to promote cooperation and sharing, to reach a common understanding regarding our problems and their solutions, and to stimulate the interest of the general public in the advantages and benefits of beekeeping.

This organization shall encourage the study and research in Apiculture with an eye towards better methodology, increased production, public safety and improved marketing.

2. Charity: To participate in outreach activities including special events and visiting schools to teach and inform the general public relating to honey bees and the beekeeping industry. Instruction at schools will be conducted utilizing SAZBA approved lesson plans.



● Anyone interested in beekeeping and the beekeeping industry may join the Association upon payment of the regular annual dues. All active members shall be eligible to vote.



Section 1: Association membership and dues: The membership year runs for twelve months beginning on the month after dues are paid.

●  Individual dues are $15.00 per year.

●  Family dues are $20.00 per households per year (must live at the same address).

●  Family memberships will have two votes.

●  Children have no voting rights unless they are a member on their own.

●  Dues for advertising is $100.00 per year

Section 2: Life membership: Life membership in the Association may be given to a member who has contributed in some outstanding way to the Association’s aims and ideals and for meritorious service to the Association upon recommendation of the Executive Committee and a majority vote of the officers and directors present at any scheduled meeting of the officers and directors. Life members shall be exempt from payment of Association dues but enjoy the same rights and privileges of other active members. No member shall be given Life Membership merely for continuous membership or for the purpose of not paying dues.



There shall be regular meetings held monthly at a time and place decided by the Officers. Notice of each meeting shall be posted on the Association’s website and other media outlets.

One of the regular monthly meetings shall serve as the annual business meeting. Officers shall report to the membership on such items as finance, programs, membership, and special activities.


The Officers of the Association shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Directors. (For ease in reading, masculine pronouns have been used in reference to Officers. However, no prejudice is intended. He/She, Him/Her, His/Hers are to be used as applicable.)

Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at an annual business meeting or during a regularly scheduled meeting and hold office from January through December of the next year. In the case of a vacancy, the President may appoint a member to serve during the remainder of the term. No person shall be elected for any office without his/her consent.

The term for all elected officers will be one year. All Officers will have a Term Limit of office of three (3) consecutive one-year terms and may serve again in the same office after at least a one-year break in service for a maximum of six (6) years as an officer (with a one break year).



The EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (EC) shall consist of all the elected officers of the Association, namely: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Directors. The Immediate Past President may also serve as an ex officio/non-voting EC member if he or she is an active member. The Executive Committee shall have authority to transact business on behalf of the Association and to meet at other times to discuss Association business and activities. Meetings of the EC are open to the general membership. The EC may vote with a 2/3rd majority approval to spend up to $1,000 for a purpose related to Association activities without a vote of the membership. The cumulative annual spending cap by the EC without a vote of the membership is $1,000.

The AUDITING COMMITTEE shall consist of the three elected Directors, whose duty will be to examine and audit the books of the Treasurer and to make recommendations on their findings at the annual business meeting.

The NOMINATING COMMITTEE shall consist of three members, appointed by the President, whose duty will be to nominate and present a slate of officers an upcoming meeting (or via email announcement) for election. Other names may be submitted from the membership at large at the time of the election of officers.

SPECIAL COMMITTEES, shall consist of three members, shall be appointed by the President and shall serve as directed by the President.



The PRESIDENT will conduct all meetings and coordinate other activities of the Association. In coordination with the Executive committee, the president also will appoint committees, fill vacancies of chairpersons or any vacant seat on the Executive committee, assign working tasks, and schedule meeting dates.

The VICE-PRESIDENT will help coordinate the yearly program of the association, including monthly meetings. In the absence of the president, the vice-president will assume the responsibilities of the president.

The SECRETARY will take accurate minutes of the regular and executive meetings, prepare a short summary of the meeting program, and keep a monthly head count. Secure a meeting place and make necessary arrangements for the regular meetings. 

The TREASURER will establish a checking account and receive and deposit yearly dues or other money received, will pay the bills approved by the president, executive committee, or membership, and submit a monthly and year-end written financial report.  In addition, the treasurer will maintain the Association's membership list.

The DIRECTORS shall examine and audit the year-end financial report written by the Treasurer before the annual business meeting. They shall report their findings and make recommendations to the members attending that meeting. They shall also review the monthly financial reports written by the Treasurer.

Should a Director be unable to attend or perform his/her duty, the President may appoint someone to serve in his/her absence.



Those members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular meeting. Two-Thirds of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the Executive Committee.



Any article, or section of any article, of SAZBA Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all members present, providing the proposed amendments have been presented to the Executive Committee for their recommendation and have been presented in writing to the entire membership at least one month before any vote is taken.




Section 1: Repealing clause: Upon acceptance by vote of the Association this Constitution and By-Laws supersedes all previous Constitution and By-Laws.

Section 2: Adoption: This Constitution and By-Laws was adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all members present at the meeting on update: Wednesday, August 9th 2017. 


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